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Welcome to the Cultivating Literacy, Inquiry, and Content Knowledge (CLICK) Lab at NC State University!

Who We Are

We are an interdisciplinary and collaborative research team focused on understanding reading development and developing and evaluating effective literacy instructional practices, particularly for K-6 linguistically diverse students.

We aim to build a comprehensive understanding of literacy issues that serves as a foundation for translational research, guiding evidence-based instructional practices and policy.

We conduct rigorous research to explore how instructional practices support diverse children’s literacy development in Tier 1 and Tier 2 settings, using various research designs and methods. We collaborate with educators, researchers, families, and school administrators to enhance children’s literacy learning opportunities and outcomes.

If you are interested in joining our CLICK lab, please contact Dr. Jackie Eunjung Relyea (, an Assistant Professor of Literacy Education at NC State College of Education. We have opportunities available!